The codename Napa designates the third-generation Centrino platform, introduced in January at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show. Intel LAN Driver version 2. Intel WiMax Driver version 4. Support for WiMAX Santa Rosa performs well as a mobile gaming platform due to its ability to switch between single threaded and multithreaded tasks.
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Intel Ethernet Server Adapter. Laptops with vPro have the typical dual-core or quad-core processor and wireless features of the Centrino family.

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HP Backup and Recovery Manager. Intel Wireless Display Driver version Intel Wireless Driver. Intel uses Centrino Duo branding for laptops with dual- core Core Duo processors and retains the Centrino name for laptops with single core Core Solo processors. Intel Network Adapter Drivers.

Intel Pro/Wireless Wireless LAN Driver for Calexico b for Windows 98S

Though originally scheduled to premiere in Q3 with the second iteration of Nehalem processors, [14] Intel had stated that due to pressure from computer manufacturers, they would delay the release of the platform until at least October Q4 to allow OEM partners to clear excess inventory of existing chips. Intel R Wifi Module , Intel LAN Driver version 1. Support for WiMAX Intel R On-Board Network.

Dell Update package for Windows7 bit release OSes supported is Windows R.

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This page was last edited on 3 Novemberat Processors, based on Intel Sandy Bridge microarchitecture. The codename Calpella refers to the sixth-generation Centrino platform. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Intel WiMax Driver version Intel x Ethernet Controllers. Intel Adapter Switching Driver. Atheros Wireless Network Driver Version Intel Network Adapter Driver.

Intel LAN Driver version 3. Intel Ethernet driver for Win 7. This platform was initially branded as Centrino Atom but the logo was dropped in August ; the logo had caused confusion between laptop and MID with previous marketing of Centrino stating only Intel chipsets are being used. Calexoco with Intel vPro technology have hardware features that allow a system administrator to remotely access wired and wireless laptops for maintenance and servicing if the operating system is unresponsive or crashed and, when a laptop is inteel to AC power not on battery powerallow a sys-admin to remotely access the laptop when the system is asleep or laptop power is off.

Intel Centrino Advanced-N Intel Pro Network Connections. Dell Update package for Windows Vista bit release 2. Intel WiMax Driver version 6. Intel LAN Driver version 9.

Despite criticisms, the Carmel platform won quick acceptance among OEMs and consumers. Intel Ethernet drivers and applications. The Santa Rosa platform comes with dynamic acceleration technology, allowing single threaded applications to execute faster.


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