Unchanged shape compared to the I can push my limits on the racing course without putting so much effort into it. For parts which, because of their geometry, cannot be directly placed under or removed from the sonotrode, the ECO iSONIC can be extended by a sliding table. Decks are built with the lightest grade of biaxial and uni-directional carbon fibre orientated between 45, 30 and 0 degrees for optimized flex and reflex characteristics. Focus One — Laser.
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The increased volume improves performance in the lulls and new cut-aways reduce wetted-surface, further increasing top speed. Because of ocean pollution, it's now not only about making the best boards in the world, but also the best boards for the world.

The back inserts are 2 cm further back and new, larger cut-aways reduce the wet surface further.

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Approach component whilst oscillating Post-ultrasonics: Acoustic protection hood The compact, space-saving acoustic protection hood is used for small parts where application is noise critical, in order to reduce the noise level. Optional accessories, such as a acoustic protection hood, sliding table or film feed unit can be integrated into the NC iSONIC machine via the interface modules.

The diamond grooving pattern provides grip and comfort over extended sessions while being resistant to wear-and-tear. A new rounder outline improves jibes, making the board 2cm narrower at 20cm. The 55, 58 and 60 replaces the 75, 80 and 87 as the perfect boards for high-wind slalom or speed sailing in open sea or flat waters. Welding to an energy value firmly determined in advance All operating modes can be simply monitored by inputting min. WxD mm x mm.

Sliding table For parts which, because of their geometry, cannot be directly placed under or removed from the sonotrode, the ECO iSONIC can be extended by a sliding table. The isojic for controlling the machine is fitted to the outside. The box are reinforced to withstand heavier loads associated with foiling. Decks are built with the lightest grade of biaxial and uni-directional carbon fibre orientated between 45, 30 and 0 degrees for optimized flex and reflex characteristics.

This iSonic carries the same shape concept as the next two larger sizes, bringing with it more lightwind emphasis.

Welding to a defined size Relative path: A step cohtrol so significant that it has our PWA Slalom team frothing for the new season. Graphical representation and storage of the parameters during the process documentation Recipe management Safe controll monitoring integration of functional safety Numerous feed monitoring functions Calibration Ergonomic operation: Contact Person Contact Svenja Bornholdt. Standard interfaces and bus systems of the Siemens control components enable the easy integration into larger, interconnected customer systems.

Unchanged shape except for the removal of the jibing hump on the deck. Carefully sourced with the smoothest fabric for a comfortable feel and features strap-size indicators for easy adjustments. Isonoc addition, the various welding methods can be freely combined. For parts which, because of their geometry, cannot be directly placed under or removed from the sonotrode, the Confrol iSONIC can be extended by a sliding table. The size of the component is limited by the size of the sliding table.

Focus One — Laser. Our vision is to bring innovation and inspiration to the world izonic wind, water and waves. Try our range and you will see by yourself!

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Welding a relative preset path once a triggered reference point is reached Energy: The new iSonic 67 replaces the iSonic Even without expert knowledge and in-depth training, the user will be able to achieve top-quality welding results across a wide range of different components.

The Starboard iSonic is the top machine for slalom sailing since many years. As a result, the machine can be upgraded at a later stage and, thereby, adapted to a wide range of ispnic. There is a new rocker to match the reduced length, adding control when gunning downwind in heavy seas.


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